Dr. Denning’s biblical teaching and pastoral ministry spans over twenty-seven years. He is licensed and ordained through the North Carolina Conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. He is a certified teacher through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). He is a certified instructor through the National Center for Construction and Research (NCCER). He is a clinic-certified teacher/trainer through Evangelism Explosion International, certified teacher through the Evangelical Training Association, and certified coach through Lifeforming Leadership Coaching. He holds two undergraduate degrees from Emmanuel College, a Master of Divinity degree from Erskine Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Regent University.

Connecting hurting people with a healing Savior is the aim of his pastoral ministry. When we are hurting, we want to someone to walk beside us. Common throughout the Bible is the image of the shepherd caring for his flock. Be it in leading them to calm places to drink the living water, finding them when they are lost, or defending them from attackers, the shepherd is a constant presence of comfort and assurance. While we know we will always fall short of the love of our Shepherd (Jesus), pastors do their best to act as shepherds for others. Dr. Denning believes the church is a “hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.” His passion is to provide encouragement, insight and biblical guidance during times of crisis, change, personal and family difficulties. We all go through times when we need one another’s help.  There are seasons when we grieve, discover healing, restoration, and rejoice with one another.  In the simple words… we do life together as the “Body of Christ” (the church).

Dr. Rich Denning

“The Bible is not boring; people are boring;
don’t bore the people with the Bible”
– Howard Hendricks

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